Saturday, January 23, 2010

In general people are quite miserable...

(Well after a rather enjoyable day around town I observed one thing through my rather diligent people watching- we as a race are quite unhappy.)

Everywhere I go I see them. Sulking, moaning, and devoid of life. Many if not most people are miserable. And I sincerely believe we do it to ourselves. Whatever the cause may be- crummy jobs (or therefore lack of one), rising and never-ending pools of debt, lack of attention from the opposite sex, self-confidence issues, obession with personal vanity, etc. That or the fact that society is inherently boring and is going downhill on a daily basis. Its the rags we wear on our bodies, the way society forces us to be early to everything which causes a constant rush, and the prissy, overly serious ways in which people act.

Do I believe that we should all act like un-cultured primates constantly in public places?? No. We have teenagers for that. But I do believe that everyone should be able to take a joke, and not get offended by every little thing that happens to be centered on their race, gender, religion, etc.

Now look at the clothes people wear. Ugly. Boring. Lacking any imagination whatsoever. The ugly white tennis shoes, heavily faded jeans, t-shirts with some company's logo on it. Most of these crimes on our eyes being caused by those from the baby boomer generation. And many of those with so called "style" are walking billboards- wearing numerous slogans and advertisements; moving sapien edifices. All this in the name of "fashion." But who is to blame? Those fashion designers in New York and Paris? Or the overly liberal personas that make up the vast majority of my generation? Well I could go the easy route and just blame the liberals. But the problems lie within society itself.

But what is society? Its the massive conglomerate of the most active and "energetic" people in a set region or country. But its also the media. MAINLY the media. Which brainwashes the masses with its false realities made up of celebrities, news networks and not to mention those high-up individuals in Washington that they don't want us to know about. And those corpses in our society that support the current unisex fashion trends and so called "equality", the banning of all devices and methods of personal defense , and high taxes will lead us to society's ultimate demise of the universal jumpsuit. In which everyone, man and woman, will wear a gray, polyester jumpsuit which has our serial (I mean social security) number stamped on it. Oh and a pair of white synthetic shoes to match. Then we will all be "equal" and be dumbed down to the level of a common lab rat. But thats what "they" want.

So all I am trying to say is that in order for us all to stop being so miserable, you ladies (and *cough* men *cough*) should stop being so darn picky, everyone needs to stop judging everyone prematurely, and most importantly wear whatever you want and never follow trends or fads... Oh and if any of you ever say to anyone in a well tailored (especially circa 1930's) suit, "Why are you dressed up?", you not only deserve a good slap on the face, but a wallop on the knee cap (both or either one)...

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